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  • More about Earth Remote Sensing
    The theoretical foundation for the uncovering of the interior of the Earth’s crust through multispectral space imagery was developed by Soviet scientists who suggested that different objects reflect different amounts of incoming energy. More studies showed that earth radiation retains a memory of its origin, so information about the deep subsurface processes taking place inside an object is contained in any object's radiant energy. It has been confirmed many times that the temperature state of the rock is determined by the rising endogenous heat flow, the dynamics of the geological environment and the thermal properties of the rock. Satellites take multispectral and hyperspectral images in multiple wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation, where each pixel has complete spectral information. Hence, Earth Remote Sensing data processing requires running a comprehensive analysis of multispectral characteristics including calculations of the effective flux density of spectral and thermal radiation taking into attention block-fault structures, spatial and temporal dynamics and normalized vegetation stress in relation to the deep structure of the geologic environment.

Electromagnetic Sounding


NOVEL has extensive experience in different electromagnetic techniques applied to oil, helium, water and geothermal exploration. Our services include EM survey planning, data acquisition (if required), data processing and interpretation by means of specialised software, enabling the extraction of useful and correct information, signals free from all types of noise. 


Using EM for resource  exploration  NOVEN studies  the  resistivity  of  sedimentary layers  from  surface  to  basement, receives additional  information  from  the  induced  polarization  (IP)  results and integrates geochemical  surveys (mainly Helium surveys) in many projects.


In 2022 NOVEL’s team plans to start processing marine electromagnetic data collected by Controlled Source Electro Magnetic (CSEM) surveys and Sea Bed Logging (SBL).

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